Prop Central

We have been busy preparing for our assembly and end of term performance this week. We have been using our Art and DT skills to make a range of props for the show, including a giant plug, cockles and mussels and keys to a treasure chest and the children have done a fantastic job!

We were extremely proud of the children’s performances in the class assembly which was the culmination of all our hard work on Rainforests from last term. The children all delivered their lines with clear voices and performed their Rainfall Soundscape like professionals. We hope you enjoyed it.

The class was also treated to watching a performance of Pirates of the Curry Bean by Eagle Owl class and we were impressed with how rehearsals are coming along. We are now in the process of choreographing a mop dance for the sailors and, next week, we will be finalising the scenes involving the rats, the monkeys and the gorilla!


Art and Athletics

It’s been a busy week, with a visit from our lovely governors, an athletics event and Art Day.

In English, we finished our unit on diary writing with a Big Write based around Treasure Island and the children all showed great improvement in their writing. In Maths, we have continued to look at different types of chart with a focus on line graphs.

Rehearsals for our production are continuing and we have started to think about our class assembly next week.

On Thursday, half of the children went to an Athletics event. They did the school proud, trying their hardest at events such as long jump, 400m and relay.

On Friday, the children had an Art Day, during which we learnt about the artist Claude Monet. We found out about the Impressionist movement and the special techniques Impressionists used for painting. The children practised using different size brushes and strokes to create effects. They then had a go at painting their own Seascape in the style of Monet.


Aaaarrr, me hearties!

After a jam-packed few days on residential last week, the children have returned this week with an impressive amount of energy for learning and have enjoyed their introduction to our new Experience Outcome that is based around the topic of Pirates.

The children have been given their roles for the production of ‘Pirates of the Curry Bean’ and rehearsals have begun. In English, the class have enjoyed looking at artefacts that were found in a washed up pirate ship and having a go at working out what might have happened on board. They have also used dictionaries to look up the definitions of pirate-related vocabulary, as well as looking at the features of diary entries and learning about first person narratives by looking at extracts from two versions of the classic ‘Treasure Island’. The children will be using this learning to write diary entries based on a clip from the film ‘The Pirates‘. 

In Maths, we have been working on statistics, looking at tally charts, pictographs and bar charts, which the children have had a go at creating and interpreting. In Science, the class explored how to use forces creatively to make objects move and then decided if the force used was a push, pull or twist and what direction the force was acting in. We even explored how air can be used as a force to make objects move.

In P.E, the children are continuing with their Chance to Shine cricket sessions and have also begun athletics training, experimenting with different ways of jumping forwards and learning how to use their arms and legs effectively to add power to their jumps.


Another Action Packed Day at Chigwell Row

Just when we thought we couldn’t get any busier, we’ve managed to pack in even more adventurous activities today.  The morning began, after a hearty breakfast and a good night’s sleep, with either night line, crate stacking or carting and then continued with Archery, Climbing and Grass Sledging.  We were amazed at the speed and distance gained on the grass sledges.  Many of us overcame our fears on the climbing wall and we all enjoyed playing the pizza game in archery, where some of us were more successful at ‘creating’ pizza than others!

At the moment, we are enjoying some well-earned free time outside in the beautifully sunny grounds of the Chigwell Row site.  Both the woods and adventure playground are particular hits.  Hopefully our glorious weather will continue for our campfire tonight where we’re looking forward to toasting marshmallows over the fire.

End of Day 1

The children have had a fantastic, fun packed day at Chigwell Row and have thrown themselves into all of the activities. They hugely enjoyed their night walk, looking at a range of tree sculptures and after a nice warming hot chocolate, they are now all tucked up in bed dreaming of the excitement that awaits them tomorrow.